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The Best Way to Prepare for Attending Online Colleges
Many students enrolling in online colleges have not been in school for many years. They have forgotten many of the skills, both academic and personal, required to succeed in an educational environment. Before attending online colleges, students should thoughtfully prepare for the rigors of their program. Preparation ahead of time will save countless hours and frustration later. Pay attention to the following:
1) Your daily schedule.
Online courses are great for the flexibility and convenience they afford, but this can be a double-edged sword: with no constant pressure to attend class and hand in assignments, some students can fall behind. Before they know it, they are cramming for an exam. To avoid this, schedule out your online courses, work hours, and other responsibilities ahead of time, and stick to that schedule.
2) Time management.
This is the most basic element of school success, particularly for those juggling work and family responsibilities, along with maintaining some semblance of a personal life. Time management depends on a well-defined schedule, but it also requires students to make the best use of their time - that is, to maximize the efficiency with which they complete their assigned tasks.
3) Study habits.
Many returning students have forgotten what exactly it means to "study" and the skills required to get the best grades, including reading, writing, analysis, and more. It might be beneficial to buy a "study skills" book as a refresher.
4) Technology.
If most of your coursework and lectures are online, make sure your computer can handle the technological requirements of the program. Practice with the programs and software you'll need to use so you have no problems when you begin to work. Always remember to back-up all your work in case of a catastrophic crash.
5) Mentor and advising.
Make sure your college assigns you a mentor, best of all a professor, who will help guide you through your education. He or she will often be a teacher in your intended major and will aid you to pick the best online courses for your needs.
6) Fun.
Going back to college should be exciting and fun. It will be hard work, but remember to enjoy the experience as well.